Chemical Reagents
HexamethylenetetramineCOA Report
  • CAS No.:100-97-0
  • Molecular weight:140.18
  • Aliases:hexamine;HMT
  • Molecular formula:C6H12N4
  • UN Code:1328
  • EC No.:202-905-8
  • HS-No:29336940
Specification category:
Product No. Product name specifications
1.20310.014 Hexamethylenetetramine AR500g
1.20310.024 Hexamethylenetetramine CP500g
1.20310.064 Hexamethylenetetramine AR25kg
1.20310.074 Hexamethylenetetramine CP25kg
Characteristic: Appearance and properties: white fine granular crystals, beginning after the bitter sweet taste.
Relative density: 1.27
Melting point(℃): 263 (sublimation)
Concentration: Pure
Solubility: soluble in water, ethanol, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, insoluble in ether, petroleum ether, aromatic hydrocarbons.
Heat of combustion (kJ / mol): 239.7
Technical indicators:
Item AR CP
Assay (C6H12N4) ≥99.0% ≥98.0%
pH value(100g/ml,25℃) 8.5~9.5 8.5~9.5
Clarity of solution Pass2 #Pass5#
Insoluble matter in water ≤0.002% ≤0.005%
Residue on ignition(as SO4) ≤0.01% ≤0.03%
Chloride(Cl) ≤0.001% ≤0.005%
Sulfate(SO4) ≤0.001% ≤0.003%
铵(NH4) ≤0.001% ≤0.003%
Iron(Fe) ≤0.001% ≤0.005%
Heavy metals(as Pb) ≤0.0005% ≤0.001%
Hazard characteristics:


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